Responsible contracting does not mean accepting the lowest bid, but the most responsible bid offered at the lowest price. A responsible contracting policy enhances Ohio’s competitive bidding laws, and emphasizes value in the procurement process.
From large urban cities like Cleveland to smaller communities like Circleville; from college campuses like Bowling Green State University, to elementary schools in Marietta; Ohio’s townships, cities, and counties are embracing the quality and value that come with adopting a fair contracting policy.
Responsible Contracting takes into account the following principles:
- Prudent and fair contracting processes.
- Standards for wages, benefits, and records of complying with workplace, tax, and safety regulations.
Properly crafted, responsible contracting policies ensure greater transparency in the bidding process. As a result, elected officials are able to make more informed decisions on public improvement projects.
Responsible contracting leads to better quality services and reduces the hidden costs that result when workers do not receive competitive wages and benefits. Higher standards mean a higher quality product for taxpayers.
ACT Ohio advocates for responsible contracting policies, ensuring contractors have a track record of completing quality jobs while providing employees with living wages and benefits.
Responsible Contractor Polices
Responsible Contractor Policies are a set of enforceable qualifications found within construction bid specifications. These qualifications let everyone know that the owner or governing entity is dedicated to employing competent, qualified construction firms and personnel.
By including Responsible Contractor Policies in bid specifications, the owner clearly states that quality criteria – in addition to the lowest price – will be considered as part of the selection process. If contractors cannot meet this criteria, they simply will not be awarded the contract.